who we help

District Administrators

Engage learners to accelerate learning.


Are Your Students Engaged? 

Let’s engage your learners to accelerate learning.

Join other innovative superintendents who have implemented our SmartLab Learning programs in their schools. Our student-led supplemental curriculum drives learners to explore different technologies, then follow their interests as they solve problems that are meaningful to them. Technology keeps learners highly engaged, while our standards-aligned supplemental curriculum reinforces core math and science concepts.

SmartLab Learning Hub

We developed our supplemental curriculum to help your students meet milestones. 

The SmartLab Learning Hub—our online platform—comes stocked with our standards-aligned, project-based curriculum, and course materials. Students can document their learning and growth via their portfolio, while educators can monitor and assess their learners’ progress. 



Prepare your students for future success with programming that really clicks.

SmartLab Learning is specifically designed to support the full scope of students’ academic and social-emotional needs, while helping educators make the most of their instructional minutes. Our programming speaks to your students’ existing interests, introduces new possibilities, and encourages collaboration.

Increase Student Engagement

With our student-led STEM engagements, students explore cutting-edge technologies and pursue their interests while making real-life connections to math and science concepts.

Make Career Connections

Our standards-aligned supplemental curriculum helps learners discover different career paths. As they age, they begin using pre- then professional tools, which helps prepare them for life beyond school.

Prepare for the Future

From next-gen skills to problem-solving, your students gain essential life skills like goal-setting, identifying problems to solve, and time management.

Accelerate Learning

As learners engage in our hands-on, STEM-focused experiences, they learn to connect the dots between what they are doing and the core math and science concepts they’re learning in class.

Explore SmartLab Learning Programs

Hear from our happy clients.

Michael Hancock

“One of the most powerful words is equity. Not everyone starts in the same place, but the SmartLab HQ gives all of our students a level playing field and a fair shot at opportunity.”

Michael Hancock
Mayor of Denver, Speaking about Montebello High School | Denver, CO
Susana Cardova

“SmartLab HQs level the playing field for all students!” 

Susana Cardova
Former Superintendent, Montebello Campus, Denver Public Schools | Denver, CO
Brian Ewert

“The SmartLab HQ has absolutely brought both girls and students of color into the STEM fields at our high schools.”

Brian Ewert
Colorado Superintendent of the Year, Littleton Public Schools | Littleton, CO

Ready to start planning your own SmartLab?

We’re excited to hear from you. Let’s change the way your students engage with math and science–in and outside the classroom.