Improving Outcomes With Project-Based Learning

A young student assembling a mechanical RC car

With project-based learning (PBL), students tackle problems that connect them to their lived experience, thereby increasing their classroom engagement. And when students actively participate in their learning, their knowledge retention expands. 

In this eBook, we discuss in detail how PBL not only connects students to their curriculum, but can also:

  • Capitalize on students’ natural curiosities
  • Facilitate authentic self-assessment
  • Empower learners to make a difference in their communities 
  • Foster the development of cognitive and social skills like critical thinking, planning, reasoning, empathy, and cross-cultural understanding 
  • Provide students of all backgrounds and ability levels the opportunity to create meaningful, inquiry-based projects

But how can one approach accomplish all this? Download the eBook to learn more.

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eBook Increasing Student Outcomes with PBL